Should Travel Be Inexpensive?

Have you noticed that when reminiscing with friends about holiday experiences you have had from the past, the funniest stories and happiest memories often come from those cheap holidays you had when money was tight?
Talking with friends recently, we were laughing about some of the holidays we had shared when money was very tight, and the entertainment was having drinks, playing cards and the sound of our laughter. However, the stories live on, maybe a little embellished over time, but the warm glow is still there. While it’s great to go to the more luxurious destinations and to treat yourself some of the time, it’s also good to remember that when your budget and expectations may be lower, you can get more from the experience. That variety is a crucial stimulant in the spectrum of travel and holidays.
Take the Costa Vincentina Western Algarve in Portugal as an example. It is little known compared to other parts of the Algarve. Yet, it has unspoilt beaches and stretches from the southwesterly tip of Portugal from where Vasco de Gama set sail for Africa, continuing up the coast for some 60 kilometres. The area is excellent for surfing, and its naturalistic coastline is stunning, with some beautiful beaches within the Parc Naturel. The Portuguese holiday here, and some have second homes here, but it tends to be less well known outside of Portugal. Those who do discover it come back. On our last trip, we met people from Canada who had been returning for over 10 years and loved it – particularly in February and March, when the weather in the western Algarve is usually mild and warm.
With flights to Faro airport available from most local airports in the UK, it’s very easy to get there, and there is a fast road available to get you there in under 2 hours. There are various accommodations to suit your price range; the local wines are excellent and reasonably priced, the fish and seafood are great, and the products are available from the local markets. It’s good for all age groups: young singles keen on surfing, young families maybe with grandparents and those keen on sport, including golf or fishing. The Portuguese like their music too, and later in July, there is the Musicas do Mundo Festival, which has some local performances. This area is up-and-coming and well worth a visit.